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Admissions Open for Academic Session 2022-2023. Contact: 011-27942400, 011-27948500      |      Mob : 9250408924      |      E-mail: admission@orleanstheschool.in      |      Maha ShivratariNew      |      Award CeremonyNew      |      Graduation CeremonyNew      |      Annual PTMNew Admissions Open for Academic Session 2022-2023. Contact: 011-27942400, 011-27948500      |      Mob : 9250408924      |      E-mail: admission@orleanstheschool.in      |      Maha ShivratariNew      |      Award CeremonyNew      |      Graduation CeremonyNew      |      Annual PTMNew



The teachers train the children as they embark on a journey of discovering their inner sensibilities as they perfect the finer nuances of this art form. An annual grand dance drama ‘KALARANJANI’ is staged every year. It is a spectacular event with evocative dancers synergising the modern with the traditional with fluid elegance and impeccable grace.


Indian Vocal Music Rooms
The teachers work with devotion to teach their students virtuosity in music whilst they are in constant pursuit of unearthing new talent and moulding singers with a consummate mastery of musical techniques.

Indian Instrumental Music Rooms
These rooms are cradles for highly accomplished musicians who dazzle everyone with their technical prowess.

Western Music Rooms
The Department has been the crucible of some of the best singers and musicians. Students are encouraged to not only achieve proficiency in technical skills, but are inspired to nurture a passion for music and a penchant for perfection. The students are encouraged to create their own compositions. The school band ‘Livewire’ has been winning an impressive array of inter school prizes for more than a decade.